This Is The Easiest Way To Contaminate Your Food

Cross contamination of food
Store raw food away from cooked food!

Cross-contamination is what you do when you place raw meat in close quarters with soup.

You do it each time you march out of the chicken house straight into the kitchen without washing your hands or cleaning up.

Simply put, cross-contamination means transferring germs through contact or vectors from a contaminated item or area to an item or area devoid of contamination . 

Raw meat could be really dirty

Raw meat contains a host of animal parasites such as Salmonella that can cause severe illness when ingested. What about all the toxins and dirt it acquired from the market place?

All the sweat and swear of the buyers and sellers.

When raw meat is placed beside cooked food, the possibilities of contamination are endless. 

Just Imagine

Now imagine you store raw food and cooked food in the same area, houseflies can perch on both food items simultaneously carrying pathogens around.

You eat this contaminated food and go down with typhoid and the likes. You run to the hospital to get treatment. This should not have happened to begin with. 

One Innocent Touch Could Mean Bad News

Tap heads are also a common source of cross-contamination.

You wash your hands at the tap after using the toilet but forget to wash the tap head afterwards .

Minutes later you come back to the same tap to wash your carrots . You still turn the contaminated tap head with your hands.

Cysts of animal parasites such as hookworm and Salmonella can easily march straight into your body when you eat the carrots. 

On your way out of the toilet, you touch one or two door handles. Someone else comes around, touches the same handles and goes ahead to contaminate other items.

The cycle continues. Germs spread. 

What Can You Do?

Prevention is better than medicine. The easy way out is to store food properly, practice general hygiene and regular hand washing. 

In which other ways have you contaminated food? 
How did you correct the situation? 
Share your experiences in the comments box. 

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